ASAB Club and Societies
1. NUST BioReach Society (NBios)
NUST BioReach society (NBios) is one of the biggest societies of NUST, arranging some of the most successful events throughout the year and thus providing students a platform for self-expression, growth, networking and learning. NBios is primarily focused on the health and well-being of the society. We strive to outreach community to educate them about healthy life style and implement it through awareness and bring opportunities to the community as a student-based body of NUST. Some of the key events we conducted this year include a free Eye and Dental camps for NUST community including student, faculty and staff members, Pink Day to raise awareness regarding breast cancer and several Outreach programs for career counselling and mentorship of students.
2. NUST Skill Development Club (SkillDev Club)
NUST Skill Development Club (formerly known as GeneUs Club), though founded by the Atta ur Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), but its activities are meeting extra-academic needs of students from every discipline.NSDC aka SkillDev Club provides a platform for NUSTians where they can polish their soft skills and groom their interpersonal abilities to prepare themselves better for the professional world. NSDC, founded on the ideology of Grad School, serves as a channel through which like-minded individuals get an opportunity to sit together and share interdisciplinary ideas and explore multi-field avenues for problem solving. It achieves this by organizing activities such as round table conferences at which social issues prevalent in our society are discussed to engage young minds in finding solutions, Genius talks which enlighten the students with current research and strategies, hands on training workshops that equip the students with research and soft skills, and other academic and career oriented events and fun activities that promote an interest in interdisciplinary sciences, and train the students into becoming young professionals, thus bringing together students from various departments at NUST.
3. ASAB Students’ Club (ASC)
ASAB Students’ Club (ASC) was to establish and promote a constructive environment in Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences for the students. This club was constructed as school level to provide a platform for the student body of ASAB-NUST to inculcate a sense of belonging to the student fraternity. The ASC will endeavor to arrange meaningful and productive activities in both the academic and social realms and will strive to develop a conducive and social learning environment which would help the students in their academic, professional and personal development so that they become responsible and disciplined members of the society. The ASAB Students’ Club’s main goal is to provide the students with opportunities to explore their talents and sharpen their skills through various events. The ASC aims to arrange extra-curricular as well as academic events that will help accentuate their individual talents. These events conducted by the club include:
- Essay/ Short story/Poetry/ Blog writing competitions
- Awareness seminars
- Quiz competitions
- Talent shows
- ASAB Annual Sports Gala