
Contact Directory

General Information

Principal's Secretariat
Professor Dr. Muhammad Asghar

Phone: 051-90856100

Fax: 051-90856102

Email: [email protected]

ASAB NUST Sector H-12, Islamabad

Student Help Desk
Ms. Sadia Faraz

Phone: +92-51-90856118

Email: [email protected]

Student Help Desk, ASAB School, National University of Sciences & Technology, H-12, Islamabad

Finance / Accounts Section
Mr Muahmmad Awais Siddiqui

Phone: +92-51-90856156

atta ur rehman school of applied biosciences islamabad (ASAB) ,National University of Sciences & Technology, H-12, Islamabad

For Fee Section

Phone: +92-51-90851316, +92-51-90851315, +92-51-90851313, +92-51-90851317

Fax: +92-51-90851302

Email: [email protected] ,kp.ude.tsun@eef

National University of Sciences & Technology, H-12, Islamabad.

Information Desk

Phone: +92-51-111-11-6878

National University of Sciences and Technology. NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Asst. Librarian
Rani Shaista Kanwal

Phone: +92-90856115

Email: [email protected]

Library ASAB School, National University of Sciences & Technology, H-12, Islamabad