Faculty Muhammad Faraz Bhatti



PhD Imperial College London, (UK) Charles Wallace Fellow (The university of Manchester)

Academic Background
PhD (Molecular Biology) Imperial College London October 01, 2007 - October 01, 2011
Honours and Awards
Best Comm service teacher Best Community Service Teacher Award 2014-15
Best Teacher Award Best Teacher Award 2015-16
Bursary for Int. Course Bursary was awarded to attend the prestigious International Course (Fungal Pathogen Genomics) at Wellcome Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge, UK (13-18) May. May 12, 2018
Best Comm service teacher Best Community Service Teacher Award 2016-17 November 03, 2016
Bet Poster Award Best poster award in conference on promoting safe and secure science organized by Academy of Sciences Malaysia and National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, USA) Feb. 2018 February 08, 2018
Conference Travel Award Travel sponsorship was awarded to attend and present a poster at conference on promoting safe and secure science organized by Academy of Sciences Malaysia and National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, USA) at Sunway University Malaysia 5-9 Feb. 2018 February 05, 2018
Charles Wallace Fellow Charles Wallace Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by British Council for year 2019-20 University of Manchester, UK September 16, 2019