IBRO-ASAB Neuroscience Conference
Conference title:
Diversity promotion in neurosciences in Pakistan and South Asian Countries: Moving a step forward
This “IBRO-ASAB conference will take place at the Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), H-12 Islamabad – 44000, Pakistan.
16-17 November 2023
Lay out of this conference and major objectives.
This whole event is composed of two parts. In the first part, there will be two days conference from 16 – 17 November 2023, taking place at the Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. The conference shall be composed of scientific talks and lectures by the world-renowned neuroscientists. Students’ interactions and discussion with neuroscientists. Conference selected participants/students will be divided into groups, and each group shall design neuroscience promotion project. One best project will be selected for dissemination in other universities. Only selected participants will be engaged in the neuroscience awareness project design.
In the second part of this event, organizers will travel to other universities and share and display neuroscience promotion project.
The main objectives of this event is to promote diversity for the growth and promotion of neurosciences at the Pakistan and in the South Asia and neighboring countries by selecting candidates from those countries.
Conference format:
Hybrid: In person and online
Program details:
Will be updated and displayed soon.
Target participants:
- MS and PhD Students doing research in neurosciences or in diversity promotion.
- Policy makers
- Industrialists
- Academicians
- Researchers
- Organizations promoting gender equity.
- Any other relevant to promoting diversity.
Eligibility and selection of the applicants:
- Undergraduate (UG) and post-graduate (PG) students industry professional who are involved in research and its promotion across the country at national and international level.
- Those students who are willing to join university in near future are also encouraged to apply.
- Students already enrolled in UG, MS/M.Phil and PhD studies as well as young faculty members, researchers, in the field of neuroscience or have interest in pursuing their carrier in neuroscience are encouraged to apply.
- International participants are encouraged to apply. Due to the limited fundings, they can join online and will be given participation certificates.
- There is not upper age limit to apply as participant.
- Only selected candidates will be given participation certificate.
- Only selected candidates will be engaged in the neuroscience awareness project design and competition for the best project among the selected participant groups.
- Selection of the candidates will be done based on previous academic record of the applicant, and cover letter provided by the applicant.
What will be covered by the organizers?
Selected candidates will be given road trip fare and accommodation for one night stay. During the conference all meals will be provided to the selected participants.
Online application form link:
Online google forms are available on the link below. Please fill in the application form and submit.
Closing date for the online applications:
30th October 2023.
Announcement of the selected candidates:
Selected candidates will be informed on or before 05 November 2023.
Focal Contact person/Organizer
Touqeer Ahmed PhD
Neurobiology Laboratory
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences
National University of Sciences and Technology
Sector H-12, Islamabad – 44000, Pakistan
Phone: + 92-51-9085-6166 Fax: + 92-51-9085-6102
Email: touqeer.aahmed@gmail.com;