Collaborations Collaborative Projects

Collaborative Projects

PI of the Project Project Title Industrial Partner Completed/Ongoing
Dr. Sobia Manzoor Designing, establishment and validation of non-invasive diagnostic kit for endemic viral infections in Pakistan Pakistan Hospital and Industrial Laboratory Company (PHILCO) Ongoing
Dr. Shah Rukh Abbas Spot TB: DNA Aptasensor to catch and classify TB with DST Pharmatec Pvt Ltd Ongoing
Dr. Shah Rukh Abbas Microbubble for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound imaging of Left Ventricular (LV) thrombi (NRPU Funded project) Kindle Foundation Ongoing
Dr. Abdur Rahman (PI)

Dr. Amjad Ali  (Co-PI)

Assessment of indigenous Lactobacillus spp. for cholesterol reduction; a step towards probiotic designer foods Millac Foods Ongoing
Dr. Fazal Adnan


CRISPR CAS3-mediated whole genome excision of the Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC); a novel antibacterial approach to combat Colibacillosis in Poultry Sadiq Poultry

